Simple Meal Building
The Five for Life method is based on having 3 – 5 small meals per day. The principles are the same for every meal:
- Protein first
- Then non-starchy vegetables
- Then fat (there might already be enough in the protein source)
- Amber carbs if you need them.
The Five for Life method is based on having 3 – 5 small meals per day. The principles are the same for every meal:
- Protein first
- Then non-starchy vegetables
- Then fat (there might already be enough in the protein source)
- Amber carbs if you need them.
Calculate daily protein needs
To reduce body fat, aim for 1.2 – 1.5 grams per kilo of body weight, per day.
My current weight in kilograms:
My daily protein range:
Lower end: (weight x 1.2): …….. grams protein
Upper end: (weight x 1.5): ……..grams protein.
Share it out
Divide total daily protein requirements into individual meals and snacks.
Have protein with at least 3 meals – additional small meals are optional.
My total protein requirements (range): ………………. grams
Breakfast/Main Meal 1 (min. 20 g):
Main Meal 2 (min. 20 g):
Main Meal 3 (min 20 g):
Small meal/snack:
Small meal/snack:
Small meal/snack:
Roughly allocate your whole daily protein needs. Remember to include milk in coffee or tea.
Protein picks
For each meal – decide on your main source of protein.
Have protein with at least 3 meals – additional small meals are optional.
Remember: Eat when you’re hungry; stop when you’re not.
Breakfast/Main meal 1
Main meal 2
Main meal 3
Small meal
Small meal
Small meal
Vibrant veggies
Have one to two loosely clenched fists of cooked or raw non-starchy vegetables with each main meal.
Breakfast/Main meal 1
Main meal 2
Main meal 3
Vegetables to snack on too:
Fat to fit
Use mostly cold-pressed olive, avocado or nut oil, fish, or olives, raw nuts or seeds.
Consider what fat is already in your protein source (e.g. in oily fish, or in the stir-fry). Is it enough? You only need around 50 – 100 g per day, depending what other food you’re eating (or drinking, e.g. milk).
Maybe all you need are some olives, quarter of an avocado, olive oil in salad dressing, or some nuts and seeds sprinkled over the meal.
Where will my fat come from?
Breakfast/Main meal 1
Main meal 2
Main meal 3
Smaller meals/snacks:
Carbs for extra energy
Do you need to add carbs, and if so, how much? Will you be burning off the glucose in the next hour or so? If not, it will be mostly stored as fat.
Having high-quality carbs at breakfast and lunch, or with small meals before 3 pm (e.g. a piece of fruit) is the best way to have them. Our bodies are best primed to process carbs in the first part of the day.
If your primary protein source is pulses, you may not need much more carbs, depending on your energy needs for the day.
My carb sources:
Breakfast/Main meal 1:
Meal 2 (before 3 pm:)
Small meal (before 3 pm):
And as a very general rule…
· Hungry? Add more protein.
· Need some fast get-up-and-go? Add a few high-quality (green or amber zone) carbs.