What is 5 for Life?
There’s a lot of focus out in ‘weight loss world’ and in the general media on what to eat, and how much (calories, calories, calories …).
But the fact is that safe and permanent reduction in body fat is about changing our habits around eating: habits relating to our motivations, and around why, when, what and how we eat. That’s why 5 for Life’s unique method is about developing healthy ways for healthy weight.
5 for Life: Healthy ways for healthy weight lays out a simple, evidence-based approach to reducing body fat, built around a set of healthy eating habits that anyone can adapt to their own life, for life.
Build the habits that support a healthier approach to food and eating:
Why – Doing it for love. Motivation matters. Cherish and nurture your own body.
When – Eating at the right time. Eat for the right reasons, and at the right (clock) time.
What (food) – Eating the right food. Eat mostly the good stuff: food with function.
What (drink) – Drinking the right fluids. Drink more water! Less of the other things.
How – Eating the right way. Pay attention to food, and to the way you eat.
If you have or suspect you might have an eating disorder, please seek out professional help rather than going it alone with any program for healthy eating habits, even 5 for Life.
Habit Forming
Our thoughts become actions; our actions become habits.
Each time we repeat an action, we increase the likelihood of repeating it again (the karma catch). Our future is moulded by our thoughts and actions. It works both ways – so make it work for you.
Do it for love - treasure your body
It’s the only one you’ll ever have. Looking after yourself and caring for your own body is an act of love.
Develop a loving mindset, and keep your eye on the ‘why’. Stay physically active, for the joy of it. Manage stress and get enough sleep.
Eat at the right time
Eat at the right time to reach and stay at a healthy weight. Eat when you’re hungry, and stop when you’re not. Eat smaller portions, and eat regularly.
And above all – eat in sync with your circadian rhythm. Have breakfast every day, eat most of your energy before 3 pm and minimise the last meal of the day.
Eat the right food
It’s no secret that we need to eat the right sort of food, no matter what type of diet we follow – meat-eater, vegetarian or vegan.
Eat more vegetables especially non-starchy vegetables, and fruit. Eat more high-quality protein, and more healthy sources of fat. Eat less sugar, refined grains and processed products.
Drink the right fluids
Drinking more water helps you reach and maintain your ideal weight.
Aim for at least 3 litres of plain water each day. Drink less caffeine and alcohol. Limit sweet drinks, including flavoured milk and fruit juice (whether sugar added or not).
Eat the right way
Eating without paying attention affects our mental and physical health, and contributes to weight gain. Chew slowly and thoroughly and savour your food – it’s a gift.
Mindful eating helps us enjoy food more, and prevents overeating.
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The information and recommendations contained in this website are intended as general in nature, and are not intended as medical advice or a substitution for medical advice given by a healthcare professional.
Visitors to the site experiencing any illness or medical condition, including a mental health condition, should consult a medical professional before commencing any weight reduction program or diet.
Five for Life and Megan Dyson make no representation, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the information contained in this website, errors or omissions, or for the suitability of information or recommendations for any person, and accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage suffered by any person acting upon any material contained in this publication.